plum tree roars to life with the first sounds of thunder this year |

The plum tree that I planted last fall loves it here and apparently also loves my dish and shower water. The roughly 8 foot tree is the greenest thing around and survived well through the deep freeze that we had last month. We'll see how it likes the heat. There are about 50 flowers or so on the tree. I have received varied advice about picking off the flowers the first couple of years so that the energy is sent towards making the tree bigger instead of making fruit the first few years. I think that I want to keep this tree small though, so that it won't have the water needs of a very large tree. And I'm hungry for plums.
I also planted a new tree today...
Figs do well in harsh environments and I'd plant one but do not know what to do with figs..Fig Newtons are not bad but I can't make them. I want a lemon and lime tree.
Have you seen the youtube video..... " Greening the Desert".....
I've seen that video. It is a good one. Figs are good just as they are, as long as they are ripe. In my opinion.
Mmmmm. Santa Rosa plums. What kind of figs will you have?
They are Texas Ever Bearing figs.
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